Just Show Up
Have you ever found yourself standing in church, music playing, people singing…..and you’ve got nothing? You stand there feeling numb and detached wondering if the people around you can sense your disconnect. You almost feel like a fraud amongst the crowd saying prayers and singing words to a song that in that very moment, mean nothing to you. Maybe if you sing louder, you think…maybe if I close my eyes…maybe if I really really try to be present, I’ll feel something; but you don’t . Then you start to wonder if you should even be singing! Should you even be praying? Should you have even showed up at church that day? Here you are in this holy place singing grace filled songs, praying faith filled prayers, just not feeling anything. What do we do with times like this? Should we disengage all together and wait until we “feel” like worshiping again? Should we retreat until the time feels right? Well, the reality is, that as Christians if we are faithful to spend time in worship ...