What's LOVE got to do with it?
If I asked you what your number one goal in life
is, what would your answer be? Safety? Happiness? Success? Fun?
Ask yourself that question now and see what your
answer is. Be honest because your answer is important. Its important because
your answer is what you unconsciously base your decisions on.
“For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21
If say success is what drives you, when offered two
different positions you would most likely pick the position that would help you
advance farther. If it's safety, than you’ll likely choose the position with
less risk and more security.
We each have different ways in which we approach things. We each move forward in our lives with different values we put on things like decisions and directions. Even if we're not acutely aware of it, we do have goals that we align our lives to.
There's nothing wrong with having goals. Goals can help us to stay on track and accomplish great things. What's important though, is that we understand there’s someone else who has a goal for our life too, and that’s God.
The interesting thing is that Gods number one goal
for our lives is love. Since God is love, and God created you to love, he wants
you to learn to love too. Jesus said that the entire Bible can be summed up in
two commands: “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as
yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39)
I don’t always see a great deal of love in the world, do you? It's there of course-but it seems to be overshadowed by a multitude of other things; hate, competition, worry, offense, misunderstanding and anger, to name a few.
Let me point out that not only did Jesus point us toward the
foundational importance of love; but, each of the New Testament writers taught that
learning to love God and each other is the most important lesson God wants us
to learn. (1 Corinthians 14:1) (1 John 3:14) (James 2:8) (1 Peter 4:8) …Just to
name a few.
Why is love so important? Because the more we
learn how to love authentically the more Jesus like we will become. Jesus puts
priority on relationships. It should grab our attention that when we see Jesus
in the upper room with his disciples, knowing that he was going to die the next
day; that he was intentional with his final words to them. That of all the things
he could share he told them to love one another. “As I have loved you, so
you must love one another” (John 13:34)
Of course, love isn’t the only thing Jesus talked
about, but all the things he did talk about have the same foundation…love.
Humility, servanthood, care in judgement, doing to others as you would have
done to you. All these things are built on love.
Here’s the obstacle we all face. We’re not always good at love. You might even be thinking right now about the failures you’ve had at all the things just mentioned.
Don’t let the fact that you’ve stumbled
keep you from finishing the race. Apostle Paul says in 1 Cor 9:24 “run in
such a way as to get the prize” and “Lay aside every weight and the sin
which so easily ensnares-Let us run with endurance”-Hebrews 12:1-2.
Instead of thinking of all the ways you’ve failed
at loving like Jesus-Think of all the ways you’ve succeeded.
Think of a time a friend might have said “without
a friend like you I couldn’t have made it through.” Imagine someone saying “Because
of your simple act of kindness I was encouraged.” Think of the many words
that have gone unsaid like, “When you held the door for me, when you smiled
at me, when you encouraged me, when you listened to me…you made a difference.”
The reality is that there are far more people we
have blessed in our lives than we will ever know. Strangers we’ve helped in
passing, friends who were quietly encouraged by you but never verbalized it.
People who have simply observed you loving another, who have been moved or
encouraged by your actions. You’re not as bad at this “loving your neighbor” as
you might think. You are making an impression more than you know.
On the days you find it hard to love like Jesus,
remember that you don’t do it in your own strength. You do it in his! You can
love because “He first loved you.” When loving others becomes
challenging pray for his strength and ask for his power. Simply thank God for
loving you, and then see what happens. You’ll be surprised by what you’re
capable of….in his strength.
-Pastor Patti
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