Don't Let Jesus Get Lost In Easter
More and more all I see this time of year is rabbits and eggs in all the stores. I dug one year through a pile of baskets and eggs in a store to find a cross decoration that was ultimately cracked from the way it had fallen to the bottom of the decoration pile.
My heart sank as I pulled out the broken cross
and thought…….this is more than figurative.
Did you ever stop
to think how the "secular" customs surrounding Easter are truly
bizarre? First, there is the Easter Bunny himself; a big rabbit that carries
nests of eggs.
Rabbits are
extremely good at carrying out "be fruitful and multiply" , and yes, eggs are perfect, encapsulated symbols of new life to come…..
But rabbits don't lay eggs or make nests.
Adults dismiss
the Easter Bunny as a leftover legacy from earlier nature-based celebrations of
spring's arrival and as an innocuous symbol of the new life that is abundant in
What does Easter
mean to you? besides fluffy bunnies, brightly colored eggs, hidden baskets, and
lots of chocolate candy.
Easter is
certainly a happy day, and God loves to hear the laughter of little children;
but, if you are an adult and this is all that Easter means to you, then there
is something that you are missing.
Interestingly enough,
the word "Easter" appears nowhere in the Bible. The word
"Easter" was originally a pagan term. It was the name of a spring
festival in honor of the goddess of light and spring whose name in Anglo-Saxon
was Eastre. Sometime, about the Eighth Century, the name was transformed by the
Anglo-Saxons to the Christian festival that was designated to celebrate the
resurrection of Christ.
I’ll spare you
any more of my “Geeky-Pastoral” tid-bits.
But back to the
question at hand. For you as a Christian, what does Easter mean? Or, perhaps,
more appropriately stated, as a Christian what does the resurrection of Christ
mean personally to you?
Most of us would
probably say, "The resurrection of Christ means that I and my loved ones
will be resurrected with Christ," or "The resurrection means eternal
life - everlasting life."
The more
theologically oriented among you might say, "The resurrection is God's
vindication of Christ's victory on the cross over sin, death, and the
Now, all of these
are good answers. Easter means all of this - and more!
But Jesus said…"Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to
the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).
We are called by
the Gospel to go out into the world, and introduce people to Christ! We’ve been
given the power of the Holy Spirit to do that.
That’s very
different than bunnies and eggs.
Right after
pulling out that cracked cross from the bottom of the pile of Easter decorations,
my first thought was; “Jesus is lost in Easter.”
If you have children…I’m
not saying we should call off the egg hunts and forget the Easter baskets. But
if you have children you need to help them understand the story of Christ in
the celebration of Easter. Our children are the first people we need to
evangelize to!
Every age range
will be different and each parent knows the ways their child understands
things. There are some wonderful children’s bibles and books to help you along
the way.
What about us
adults? We can get caught up in the Easter hype as well. I saw a t-shirt
recently that says “Silly Rabbit Easter is for Jesus!” I smiled and thought…”Exactly!”
We need to have
that kind of attitude this time of year. To keep the hype in check and stay
grounded in the real story.
Dive into the
gospels during Lent to keep your heart and mind aligned with the real story
unfolding as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Take some time to think of ways
that you can share Jesus with others. Maybe that’s inviting someone to church.
Maybe it’s asking those struggling around you if you can pray for them. Maybe
it’s simply starting relationships with people who need the love of Christ
through you.
It is not easy to
preach Christ to an indifferent and an unconcerned world. Most of us are self-conscious,
too timid, and even to embarrassed to make a public witness.
However, we have to remember that God does not
ask us to witness with our own strength. He gives us help.
We have received
the power of the Holy Spirit which enables us to pass that word on to others.
God never asks us to do anything that he does not, at the same time, give us
the power to achieve. The living Lord is alive in you. He will enlighten and
enliven you to proclaim his Gospel to the world.
Don’t let Jesus
get lost in Easter.
-Pastor Patti
Yes, indeed, we have opportunities to be the ears and lips, and the hands and feet of Jesus in word and deed to those around us. Let me recommend a practical tool to help you have those conversations with others about Jesus. My mission organization Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ in the U.S.) has developed an app called GodTools. It's free to download. It offers you a variety of simple ways to walk someone through how to know God personally. The app contains tools and resources for before, during and after a conversation about the gospel. Find out more by visiting Blessings! ~ from Rich Wiewiora, Cru staff, 46+ years
ReplyDeleteThanks Rich!