Be a Ripple


When we sit on the beach and look out into the ocean do we ponder the waves? Any wave, no matter what size, has a crest, a trough and a wavelength. 

A wave’s height is the distance from the bottom of the trough to the top of the crest. A wave’s “period” is the time it takes for a complete wave, from crest to crest, to pass a point. This, of course, depends on the wave’s length and its speed; but I tend to doubt we think about this as we soak in the sun and sooth ourselves in the sound of the waves on the shoreline.

Waves also have another feature. They have a beginning. The wind causes ripples that grow. Many of the large waves we observe started out with a tiny ripple of wind. Those tiny ripples of wind can grow into mighty waves.

Why are we talking about waves and ripples? Because too many times we believe that we can never do enough to make a difference in the world. We often live in the understanding that our tiny ripples aren’t worth anything. Not only is this wrong scientifically, it’s wrong scripturally.

Wind ripples have caused tidal waves and small acts of kindness have healed a multitude of hearts. Little does not equate to lack of power.

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” –Matthew 17:20

“It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”- Matthew 13:32

“A little leaven leavens the whole lump”- Galatians 5:9

Well…you get the point.

So now, when we think about the small things we can do in faith, can we understand how powerful they can be?

We sometimes do nothing because we think our something just isn’t enough.

Whatever it is God puts on your heart He will work in it to make a wave, all he’s asking for is your ripple. It’s not because God needs our ripples. God can certainly orchestrate anything and everything on His own, but we’re His children and he wants to work with us and through us for the sake of the world.  Allowing God to work through our humble actions in whatever way he deems, is part of relational connection to Him.

What is it you have on your heart to do but keep thinking it’s just not enough? Step forward in faith asking God to work through you and watch what happens.

We won’t always see the waves that our ripples produce….but we can be certain that when we prayerfully follow the prompts of God, our ripples will make a difference.

Drop your pebble in the water and let God turn your ripple into waves.


-Pastor Patti


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