Which Came First-The Cross or the Egg?


Every time I go into a store this time of year, I’m taken aback by all the bunnies and eggs. Just the other day as I entered a popular home décor store, I think I let out an audible “sigh” as my eyes were overwhelmed with what felt like an army of rabbits with eggs in wheelbarrows surrounding me.

Now I have to confess that I have pictures from my childhood capturing me sitting on the lap of the Easter bunny. (I could never understand why he wore sneakers) Every year I would have the adults sweating it out as they tried to explain this strange phenomenon to me. (I was a curious child)

I too went on Easter egg hunts each Easter morning as a child and opened up a big basket with, of course, a chocolate Easter bunny and lots of jelly beans, before heading to Easter service.

I then introduced this annual egg hunt and Easter basket tradition to my children.

So, it’s not that I sigh with a heart of self-righteous distain when I see all the bunnies and eggs out on display each Spring. It’s that my understanding of this sacred and holy time has grown so much deeper over the years.

After the sigh leaves me and my eyes continue to strain through the vast merchandise that is “Spring Décor”, I see it….a cross. Among the baskets, flowers, bunnies and other pastel-colored items, I start to see the visuals pointing to the real “reason for this season”.

“He is Risen” adorns a sign to be displayed in a garden, yet its half covered by a large flowery wreath. A pretty cross covered in blooming flowers sits behind and partially under a basket that says “Spring is in the air”.

Please understand I don’t think that there is anything wrong with these other fun Spring displays; that’s not my point here. My point is that in my observation of the worlds understanding of what Easter truly means, I feel a quiet sadness.

This beautiful Holy celebration has been partially covered over (like the flowered covered cross I saw); by a misdirection of the true meaning of Easter.

I can’t help but feel I’ve contributed to this through the years.

As I think through how I might have done things differently with my own family, I realize the challenge. It’s much easier to explain a baby in a manger than a man dying on a cross and rising from the dead. It’s much easier to redirect our attention to Easter eggs, baskets and bunnies, than this mysterious holy holiday.

I’m not sure our avoidances of the reality of Easter are even all about our inability to explain this to our children. I’m not sure we (adults) completely grasp the power of this incredible event.

That’s what makes Holy Week so important.

Celebrating Easter Sunday without walking through Holy Week is like opening up to the back of a novel and reading the end of the story. You miss the plot and so the end loses meaning. Celebrating Easter without knowing the Gospels is like trying to jump into the middle of a popular movie everyone has seen and is talking about, and trying to appreciate the story on your own. You don’t know the characters so the end is anti-climactic. 

Yet that’s what many people do each year as they celebrate Easter in isolation to any other contact with scripture or church. Easter becomes an hour service taken out of context and lacking deep meaning.

That’s where my sigh comes from. The place inside of me that with all my heart, wants others to really know Jesus. The place inside of me that wants others to truly understand what that cross really means; and how powerful the words “He is Risen” are. Too powerful to be pushed under a wreath.

So, I invite you; perhaps “challenge” you, to spend Holy Week truly focused on Jesus. Perhaps you’ve been doing this throughout Lent! That’s wonderful! Maybe you started Lent enthusiastically but life has just gotten in the way.

My invitation is this-Read the Gospel of John. (The whole thing)

This has often been called the “Spiritual Gospel” or the “Gospel of life” because it tells the saving story of Jesus as the Son of God dwelling among us. In this reading you will see many “I am” statements where Jesus shares who he is and just what his mission as the light of the world was and is. He is the way the truth and the life.

Find out why or perhaps just refresh your memory so that Easter Sunday and the power of the cross will hit you with renewed strength.

After you have read John attend a Maundy Thursday and/or Good Friday service during Holy Week.

When you do those two things to jump start or renew your faith, I have confidence that Easter Sunday will have new depth and meaning. If you don’t believe me, give it a try and see for yourself.

Sometimes we don’t know where to start and sometimes we get lost along the way. Jump in and let Jesus show you the way.

-Pastor Patti





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