Go Wash
"As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?”
was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This
happened so the power of God could be seen in him. We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned
us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. But while I am here in the world, I am the
light of the world.”
he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread the mud over the
blind man’s eyes. He told him, “Go wash
yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and
washed and came back seeing!
We might think thats harsh, but we do this at
times too. “Jesus, this makes no sense, I’ve prayed, I’ve told you my issues….you’ve
healed others without them doing anything….why do I have to be part of my
healing?” Sometimes we even go so far as to give up all together.
There are times when we pray that Jesus puts
things on our heart. To move or act in some way. Maybe it’s that he simply
wants us to keep praying! Things might be taking longer than we wanted or
expected. Jesus’ healing in our life might seem more involved than other
healings we’ve seen him do for others.
What is the one thing that keeps us hanging on
in those insecure, doubtful moments? Desperation.
Why did this man believe Jesus? Because he was
desperate. Nobody else had offered a cure. Nobody else had offered a change.
Nobody else had offered an opportunity for this man to see. He believed what
Jesus said, because it was the only thing that still held hope.
For those living lives of quiet desperation
today and wanting a way out of your desperate situation, cling to what Jesus
says. Believe what Jesus says about you. Believe what Jesus says about Himself
and what Jesus says He can do through you, in you, and for you.
Listen again to the last statement of verse 7.
he went and washed and came back seeing.” (John 9:7,)
What does a person with blindness need? Sight.
What does a person in darkness need? Light. Here Jesus, the light of the world,
had given this man sight to his eyes.
The scripture goes on to tell us that no one
believed what had happened. His neighbors doubted and the Pharisees doubted.
Do you know why everybody else in this story
refused to believe in Jesus except this one blind man? Because their attitude
was “Until I understand everything I want to understand and until I get every
question answered I want answered I will not believe.” They thought, “Seeing is
If you are having a hard time believe in Jesus
because you’ve got this question unanswered and that question unanswered and
you don’t understand this or you don’t understand that, you’re in a perilous place.
Because If you have to understand everything before you can believe…. you will
never truly believe; because seeing is not believing, but believing is seeing.
And once you believe and have eyes to see….you will truly know who Jesus is.
Why do we treat faith in Jesus differently than
the way we treat faith in everything else? All of us, every day, act on things
that we believe, but don’t understand.
We don’t focus on the unexplainable in our every day lives.
We might not know how a cell phone works, but we
use one. We may not understand aerodynamics; like how a plane that weighs several tons can
get into the air and fly, but we have flown on airplanes.
Yet in this world we will meet people or even be
people that just don’t believe at times. One thing we can’t deny is this book
we call the bible, that has survived for thousands of years, though many have
tried to destroy it, is still the world’s best seller.
We cannot deny that the same disciples that ran
away from Jesus at His crucifixion gave their lives preaching His resurrection.
We cannot deny that that tomb on that Sunday morning was empty and the body of
Jesus has never been discovered. We cannot deny the billions of people in this
world who claim their lives have been radically and irrevocably changed and
transformed by the risen Jesus Christ.
If you say, “When I see it I’ll believe it” then
you may never believe it. When you say, “I believe” then you will see….and then
you will know.
This man believed what Jesus said and because of
that he received what Jesus had.
If you are a believer and you have seen the
light and you have been delivered from the darkness of desperation and you have
experienced transformation through Jesus Christ you’ve got a job to do.
Go out and find other people who are sitting
beside the road living lives of quiet desperation and offer them the same light
that has been given to you.
If you are an unbeliever I would encourage you
to simply do this. Instead of asking “How?” start asking, “Who?” and “What?” I
would encourage you to begin reading the Gospel of John today, and simply ask
two questions:
Who did Jesus claim to be?
What am I going to do about it?
Let’s wash the mud from our eyes this Lenten
season and believe, so we can truly know Christ.
-Pastor Patti