

We can get comfortable inside our own walls, literally and figuratively.

Ministry is a place that we can often times “Hide” in. We have our offices and we have the busyness, all of which can serve to trap us in a perpetual state of seclusion. Even our church activities within the church can keep us back from the ministry that Jesus wants us to do in the world.

I don’t’ know about you but I’ve noticed many people “post pandemic” who are having a hard time reengaging with the world.

Let’s be honest; it changed us all to some degree. We haven’t all come out of our respective bubbles completely. We haven’t all put down our “social” guards. We were all forced to be introverts for a while, like it or not, despite what our enneagrams might have said.

So how does this affect ministry? How does this affect our effectiveness as a Christian people? as the church?As disciples of Christ?

How do we “Go out and make disciples of all nations”, when the nations are weary, non-communicative and standoffish?

How do we re-engage with an “order out-pick-up” society who has learned to do the core of its connecting online through a wire of technology? Good question.

As I sit in this coffee shop, I instantly think of the woman at the well. She was just minding her own business when Jesus engaged her. She had purposely gone to the well at high noon, during the heat of the day so that she wouldn’t have to engage anyone. I see some people with her “just here for my coffee” attitude around me now. Jesus doesn’t jump in with deep theological questions or religious accusations. He simply starts by asking for a cup of water.

Now I’m not suggesting you open your conversations with “Hey could you buy me a cup of coffee?” That would just be, well, awkward.

The point is, Jesus started slow and small. Sometimes small talk will get you everywhere.

Just engage.

Ask about a book someone’s reading at the coffee shop. Compliment that person, in line behind you, at the grocery story. Comment on the weather to the person at the dry cleaner. Ask how your server’s day is going.


Engage the world around you. Take interest in people and see how you light up their day. Because honestly friends, people don’t “take interest” much in each other anymore.

Faces are in phones, schedules are manic and frankly we haven’t all stepped completely out of “self-preservation” mode.

Initiate a connection…like Jesus did. The woman at the well was amazed that Jesus knew all that he did about her.

We may not know peoples past-but if we at least show interest in their present, we will have begun the art of engagement that our Lord and Savior was so good at.

Wake up each day and say “Lord-Who would you have me talk to today?”

And don’t be surprised when your eyes open to possibilities and opportunities to connect with people around you.

The world is drinking from a well that will never quench their thirst.

Offer them some living water.


-Pastor Patti



  1. Excellent! Thank you for sharing. I actually had an opportunity recently to have small talk with someone, and I ended it prematurely because I did not want to. I may have missed out in being offered living water or I missed out on sharing the same! Thank you.


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