Onward and Upward


Today is Ascension Day. In the biblical text the physical Jesus is no longer present; He has ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father. He has given his disciples a command that still rings out today.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 18-20)

And surely he is with us today, asking us to obey all he has commanded and commissioned us to do.

Our Easter celebration is coming to an end but the triumph and joy of living the new life in Christ is still just beginning!

What does that mean? In a lesson from Acts and from the Gospel, Christ gives us some direction for living in this new age. He says to us in the Gospel, "You are witnesses of these things." He is referring to his own suffering and death, to his resurrection, and to the preaching of the church following that.

In other words, we are being reminded the Christian Gospel is something more than a collection of wise teachings or good advice. The Gospel is more than a story about a brave man who was misunderstood.

The Christian Gospel is the result of God being active in history, in a specific time and place. "In the days of Tiberius Caesar."

"Crucified under Pontius Pilate." We have a Gospel, rooted in history, not some belief based on philosophy or myth.

Do we treat Gods word like truth or myth?

We are called to bear witness. We can’t simply sit and think about the truth of the Gospel. It’s not a philosophical story to be pondered. If we are truly living in the truth of our faith then there is action required. We are commissioned to bring Gods Word to the ends of the earth, starting with our little corner of it.

We’re baptized in real water and we eat real bread and drink real wine (well, real grape juice), because we are bearing witness to the real truth.  

God loves to work through creation, through the processes of history, through persons just like you and I. 

If our proclamation, is datable in history as an event that actually occurred, it is also dateless because it is not restricted to that particular time and place. Gods Word doesn’t need to be updated or amended. It was, is and always will be.

Jesus says to the disciples in the lesson from Acts, "You shall be my witnesses ... to the end of the earth." In other words, the Gospel to which we bear witness is not simply an event in the past; it is a redeeming word for our world today.

The risen Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is present here and now to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of those to whom we witness. 

In the face of the entire world's grief and sorrow and need, it seems a hopeless task doesn’t it?

On our own, it would be. But we have the promise of our Heavenly Father.

A few days from now we will be celebrating that gift of the power from on high at Pentecost. It is a power made possible by the risen and ascended Lord.

The good news of this Ascension festival is that Christ sees the whole world and he has overcome it. And now in this timeless movement of faith he calls us to serve in his name.

Do we take Gods Word that seriously? Do we believe Gods Word is the same yesterday, today and forever? Do we believe that Jesus came not to abolish Gods Law but to uphold it? Do we believe that the power of the Holy Spirit truly lives in us?

As you sit with these questions this Day of Ascension, prayerfully ask God to help you live the good news of the gospel through your life. Ask Jesus to give you the strength you need to stand strong in his word and his way.

Remember he has not left us. He is with us always to the very end of the age.

The question is..are we with him?


-Pastor Patti




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