Come To The Table


“Dinner table”

An elusive word that usually equates to a piece of furniture we have in our kitchen.

These days many times we don’t even have that. There are high top chairs lined up to a counter. Everyone faces the same direction while eating, leaving no room for eye contact.

What does it matter? In this high speed life of ours the goal is to “eat and run” right?

If we’re not lined up at our counter tops for a quick “bite”, we’re on line at the local fast food place to get a quick dinner for our kids before soccer, baseball, dance…..fill in the blank.

What does it matter? Its all part of life right? It’s just another day in the life of your average family. If we look at the other cars in the fast food car line we see others just like us, speeding to the “next” thing.

Hebrews 12:1 says And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.What is the word that stands out to us? Run. Run. Run. We get that word. It fits in with our lives. Run from one thing to the next. Run don’t walk.

But if that is the only word we focus on in that sentence we miss what that sentence actually says. “Run with endurance”. How do we have endurance? Endurance is staying with something for the long hall. It’s pacing yourself because you know you’ll need to preserve your energy.

 It’s not a sprint where you throw all your energy into something in one valiant effort. Endurance means we are looking ahead and preparing so that we can be present and able not just in this chaotic moment, but all the life moments to come. But it also means our eyes are in another place.

Here’s a great example of scriptural context.  The next part of that scripture says “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

Jesus is relational and he wants us to be too. When we run through life from one thing to the next loosing the beauty of eye contact and conversation we aren’t living the lives Jesus has for us.

We might also need to look at why we are racing from one thing to the next. Sometimes it’s as if we’re running away from the difficulties of life.

Jesus gets it, he knew there were some difficult things on the road ahead but he moved forward giving each moment his full attention.

The next part of that text says Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.”-Hebrews 12:2.

The beauty of Jesus’ life was that he shows us that he gets it. He knows what difficulty is. He knows what it is to face challenges in life.

We have a savior that understands and at the same time shows us that when we find joy in him he will show us how to not become weary on our winding, busy, difficult roads.

Back in the day families used to eat dinner around a table and talk about the day’s events. This was a place you learned about each other and yourself. This was a place you might have learned how to argue, debate, share and listen.

We’re missing this in our world today. Faces in phones, people running from one thing to the next, with no eye contact.

I’m not saying family dinners are the solution to the world’s problems, but I think understanding the importance of them is a start.

If you don’t have kids maybe it’s a spouse or friend you need to slow down and share with. If you live alone maybe you need to invite someone over to share a meal and some conversation across the table.

The point is connection. We have become a disconnected people who have lost the ability to communicate well. We have lost the ability to see the joy in life because we have stopped looking for it.

We have lost the ability to see the joy in life because we have stopped looking for HIM.

Put down whatever is distracting you. Maybe that’s your schedule. Maybe it’s your phone. Maybe it’s your burdens.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."-Matthew 11:28

Slow down and look up. Slow down and look at each other. See what God has for you. Right in front of you!

-Pastor Patti


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