

Imagine if we lived our lives with an Advent spirit! What is Advent after all, but a time of excited anticipation of things to come. The pillars of that time are Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. We gather with friends. We make time for our loved ones more, and we have a spirit of celebration.

Imagine if we lived our lives that way all year long; with the pillars of our days and weeks built with Hope for the future, our hearts filled with peace and our interactions loving. “Peace on Earth, good will towards men” kind of lives.

Imagine if we remembered not only the reason for the season…but the reason for our lives.

That we were created in the image of God to glorify God.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, discovered the futility of life when it is lived only for this world. Solomon knew what it was like to have fleeting joy that didn’t last when lived only for ourselves.

We glorify God by fearing and obeying Him, keeping our eyes on our future home in heaven, and knowing Him intimately.

We enjoy God by following His purpose for our lives, which enables us to experience true and lasting joy—the abundant life that He desires for us.

So, when December 26ths comes around, lets remember to continue to live our lives with an Advent Spirit! To have hope in God, Joy in our hearts for all God has done and all he will do, peace in all our interactions and love towards those around us.

Let’s not put this spirit away with the lights and tinsel this Christmas.

We were created for so much more.


-Pastor Patti


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